Wee Lam Tay

Facilities Supervisor - Event Management, UWCSEA Dover
Wee Lam started working at UWC South East Asia 10 years ago. He heads the events management team and takes care of the set-up of everything that happens on campus from the community fair and art exhibitions to parent-teacher conferences, sports competitions and drama performances. He works extremely hard and can be seen around campus throughout the week and most weekends. Although the work is demanding, Wee Lam enjoys working with his team which he finds to be one of the most rewarding experiences.
”Working at UWCSEA has changed my life. Although I am not highly educated, I have been given many opportunities to learn. I can now use the computer, converse confidently in English with my colleagues and students, and most important of all, appreciate the great value in working in such a culturally diverse community.”